Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Change of plans

Allright short and sweet.... no meeting with the governor today because of increased hostilities at the Thailand/Cambodia border however it was still a big day!

Not only is it Sam's birthday so we get to have a party but I also got to mop every floor in the building!


but better then that we had a mother(Mak) and her 2 year old son(Mek) join us at the orphanage. She will be my new room-mate and will be able to provide a great deal of help around the orphanage with cooking and cleaning while the orphanage is able to provide the two safety from an abusive boyfriend.

The little boy is absolutely gorgious and full of tons of energy! I am proud to say that they have nick-named him Sparky after me.. aparently they think I have lots of energy.... I just think I am very ADD and get board! He is a handful just like me, though. They have been here for only a few hours so far and he has already made enemies with every family pet.. he is a little rough when he plays and likes to kick and stomp.

Mak does not speak English so rooming together will be interesting... I may take the avoidence technique tonight and let her get settles into bed while I shower and slip in later on.. We will see what happns over the next 2 weeks

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